At home dress for ladies, 1696-97Просмотров: 285tatiana402
At home dress for the morning worn over a boned bodice, 1692Просмотров: 373tatiana402
Steinkerque cravat 1695 and fur tippet 1694 worn in similar stylesПросмотров: 268tatiana402
Hair dresses of 1705-1710Просмотров: 389tatiana402
Mme de Maintenon 1697, Mlle. d'Auvergne 1693Просмотров: 285tatiana402
James Stuart and his sister 1698, the daughter of Coypel, 1700Просмотров: 428tatiana402
Madame l'Electrice de Brandenbourg, 1702.Просмотров: 398tatiana402
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