Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 49-01
A PAIR OF SILVER-MOUNTED FLINTLOCK LONG HOLSTER PISTOLS BY WORNALL, CIRCA 1700 with two-stage swamped sighted barrels retaining traces of engraving over thee breeches, signed rounded locks engraved with scrolling tendrils with monsterhead terminals and pairs of lines around the borders (worn), figured walnut full stocks carved with raised mouldings about the barrel tangs (the stocks replaced in the second quarter of the 18th Century, one fore-end cracked the other with minor repairs), full silver mounts comprising side-plates pierced with scrolling foliage involving a monsterhead tendrils and a profile mask, trigger-guards engraved with a perching bird on the bows and with slender foliate terminals, spurred pommels engraved with monsterhead scrolls and fitted with finely chased grotesque mask caps, escutcheons enclosed by a gaping grotesque and engraved with the initials 'GO', a pair of baluster ramrod-pipes, and one retaining its original steel-tipped wooden ramrod (the other replaced) 52cm; 20 1/2in