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Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 06-01

A RARE BREECH-LOADING FLINTLOCK RIFLED HOLSTER PISTOL BY SHAW, CIRCA 1800 with 17th Century turn-off barrel strongly moulded at the breech and muzzle, fitted with bead fore-sight, and rifled with eight grooves (pitted), plain breech with slender integral tang incorporating the back-sight, signed lock engraved with a flower, fitted with semi-rainproof pan and roller, figured walnut full stock flat-sided butt, engraved steel trigger-guard with pineapple finial, and with no provision for a ramrod (the fore-end repaired, minor restorations) 45.7cm; 18in

018-01~8.jpg 022-01~4.jpg 028-01~3.jpg 015-01~15.jpg 002-01~16.jpg
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Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты (более 40 см). Альбом 9.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
�?сточник:A RARE BREECH-LOADING FLINTLOCK RIFLED HOLSTER PISTOL BY SHAW, CIRCA 1800 with 17th Century turn-off barrel strongly moulded at the breech and muzzle, fitted with bead fore-sight, and rifled with eight grooves (pitted), plain breech with slender integral
Размер файла:39 КБ
Добавлен:Окт 14, 2011
Размеры:1024 x 768 пикселей
Просмотрен:161 раз(а)
Избранные:Добавить в Избранное


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