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Пара Пистолетов. ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 17-01

A PAIR OF 22 BORE SILVER-MOUNTED FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BY WILKES, LONDON, BIRMINGHAM SILVER HALLMARKS FOR 1777, MAKER'S MARK CF with two-stage swamped barrels lightly engraved with foliage on the breeches and stamped with Irish census marks, engraved tangs, stepped bolted locks signed on scrolls (the steel parts worn), figured walnut full stocks inlaid with silver wire scrollwork behind the locks, the side-plates and about the barrel tangs (the fore-ends repaired) full silver mounts cast and chased in low relief, comprising trophy-of-arms side-plates, butt-caps with grotesque masks, trigger-guards engraved with flowerheads on the bows and with trophy finials (one restored), a pair of silver ramrod-pipes and vacant escutcheons (later ramrods) 34.5cm; 13 1/2in

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Имя файла:017-01~9.jpg
Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты парные (25-40 см). Альбом 7.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
Размер файла:50 КБ
Добавлен:Окт 13, 2011
Размеры:900 x 726 пикселей
Просмотрен:123 раз(а)
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