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Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 18-01

A SILVER MOUNTED FLINTLOCK PISTOL BY E.NORTH, LONDON, LONDON SILVER HALLMARKS FOR 1743 with swamped two-stage barrel signed on a raised moulding terminating in a scallop over the breech and stamped with the maker's mark, gold vent, engraved barrel tang fitted with pronounced back-sight, rounded lock signed on a scroll and fitted with sliding safety-catch (incomplete), figured walnut full stock carved with a scallop shell about the barrel tang (fore-end cracked), full silver mounts cast and chased in low relief, comprising side-plate pierced with elaborate trophies-of-war, spurred pommel decorated with further trophies and fitted with grotesque mask cap, trigger-guard chased with a flower on the bow, a pair of moulded ramrod-pipes, vacant trophy-of-arms escutcheon, and original silver-tipped ebony ramrod (the silver parts rubbed, one barrel bolt missing, ramrod incomplete) 36cm; 14 1/8in Edward North was made free of the Gunmaker's Company in 1729, registered his mark in 1733 and became Master in 1753. It is likely that the vent was lined in gold and the back-sight added in the very early part of the pistol's working life.

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Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты (25-40 см). Альбом 5.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
Размер файла:35 КБ
Добавлен:Окт 12, 2011
Размеры:1024 x 485 пикселей
Просмотрен:114 раз(а)
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