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Пара Пистолетов. ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 32-01

A PAIR OF FLINTLOCK HOLSTER PISTOLS BY I.COSENS, CIRCA 1690 with tapering barrels formed in three stages (shortened in their working life), engraved with a bird-of-prey on the barrel tangs (rubbed), signed rounded locks engraved with scrolling foliage including and issuant monsterhead on the tails (one lock defective and missing its steel), figured ash full stocks (the tip of one fore-end cracked and chipped, the other fore-end replaced), carved with raised moulding about the tang and mounts, moulded brass mounts comprising pierced scrolling side-plates formed as issuant scaly monsters, lightly engraved trigger-guards with moulded baluster terminals, engraved spurred pommels (one with a small dent), and a pair of moulded ramrod-pipes (one ramrod-pipe missing, the mounts rubbed), steel trigger-plates engraved with foliage, and drop-shaped steel escutcheons each engraved 'No 9' (ramrods missing) 43.5cm; 17 1/8in

008-03~8.jpg 022-02~5.jpg 027-05~0.jpg 008-02~17.jpg 013-03~7.jpg
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Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты парные (более 40 см). Альбом 14.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
Размер файла:69 КБ
Добавлен:Нояб 07, 2011
Размеры:1024 x 684 пикселей
Просмотрен:110 раз(а)
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