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Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 47-01

A SAXON FLINTLOCK PISTOL BY PISTOR IN DER MЬHL, CIRCA 1760 with three-stage stippled barrel formed in the Spanish taste, fitted with silver fore-sight and retaining traces of previously gold-lined marks over the breech, engraved breech tang fitted with silver back-sight, signed lock engraved with pairs of lines around the border, figured moulded walnut full stock (cracked ahead of the lock), lightly carved about the tang, cast and chased brass mounts including trigger-guard with acanthus finial, decorated with a monstrous mark on the bow and inscribed 'No C', pommel cap decorated with a pair of monstrous masks and scrolling side-plate, horn fore-end cap, and horn-tipped wooden ramrod, perhaps the original 36.5cm; 14 1/4in A number of gunmakers from this family are recorded in Schmalkalden in the 18th century.

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Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты (25-40 см). Альбом 4.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
Размер файла:43 КБ
Добавлен:Окт 12, 2011
Размеры:1024 x 768 пикселей
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