Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 04-01
A GERMAN FLINTLOCK HOLSTER PISTOL BY IOH CRISTOPHE. KUCHENREITER, CIRCA 1740 reconverted from percussion with swamped octagonal sighted barrel signed in silver and decorated with silver scrollwork (pitted), struck with the gold-lined barrelsmith's mark at the breech (Neue St�?ckel 640), plain tang fitted with folding leaf back-sight and numbered '1', signed rounded lock, set trigger, figured walnut full stock carved with a bouquet about the tang, slender butt of fishtail form, plain steel mounts of shaped outline including flush-fitting side-plate and spurred pommel, and horn tipped fore-end (stock cracked and repaired, ramrod replaced) 39.8cm, 15 3/4in