Пара Пистолетов. ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 18-01
A PAIR OF 25 BORE FRENCH SILVER-MOUNTED FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BY CASSAIGNARD A NANTES, CIRCA 1770 with moulded brass barrels formed in two-stages, engraved with a sunburst behind the muzzle, and differing trophies-of-hunting over the breeches, engraved steel breech tangs, signed engraved rounded brass locks, walnut full stocks carved with a simple moulding about the barrel tangs (one extensively chipped over the butt), and silver mounts cast and chased with rococo ornament, including solid side-plates, spurred pommels and trigger-guards decorated with flowers and vacant escutcheons (worn, one trigger-guard and side-plate replaced in steel, later ramrods) 32.5cm; 12 3/4in