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Пистоль с колесцовым замком. Европа. 17 век. фото 20-01

A RARE GERMAN WHEEL-LOCK HOLSTER PISTOL, CIRCA 1600, PROBABLY NUREMBERG, THE STOCK DECORATED BY THE SO-CALLED 'MASTER OF THE CASTLES' with two-stage barrel engraved with a symmetrical panel of scrolling foliage over the median and the breech (shortened), the latter formed with a raised moulding, flat lock struck with a mark and engraved with scrolling foliage retaining, minute traces of gilding, fitted with external wheel retained by a brass scalloped bracket, sliding pancover with quatrefoil-shaped button release, dog and dog spring each chiselled with scrolls, fitted with sprung safetycatch opposite the lock, full stock veneered in ebony, incised with scrolls, inlaid with staghorn panels engraved with scrolling foliage, cabled patterns, and an exotic bird behind the ramrod aperture, enriched with mother-of-pearl plaques pierced and engraved with running dogs, rabbits, monsterhead scrolls, an elaborate panel of scrolling foliage opposite the lock inhabited by a putto taking aim at an exotic bird, flattened ovoid pommel decorated en suite with the stock, fitted with a chased gilt-copper plaquette (the stock and pommel each with very minor losses and repairs), plain iron trigger-guard, engraved staghorn foreend cap, and later ramrod 62.2cm; 24I in A number of firearms stocked in this distinctive manner are stamped with Nuremburg marks and it is therefore likely that they originate from that area. Other firearms from this group are preserved in renowned European collections including the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich (no. W1496), the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg (No306611 and 6613), the Royal Armouries Leeds (No XII 1201-3), and the T?jhusmuseet Copenhagen (NoB134). For a discussion of this group see J.F. Hayward 1962, p.162 and C. Blair 1974, pp.320-322. ?15000-18000

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Добавлен:Окт 06, 2011
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