Пистолет ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 31-01
A PAIR OF SILVER MOUNTED FLINTLOCK TURN-OFF PISTOLS SIGNED I. PENDRILL, BIRMINGHAM PRIVATE PROOF MARKS, CIRCA 1730 each with moulded cannon barrel, engraved breech and tang, signed rounded lock engraved with foliage and border ornament, figured walnut half-stock, full silver mounts comprising side-plate pierced with a design of foliage including a monsterhead terminal, trigger-guard with acanthus finial and a flowerhead on the bow, spurred pommel engraved with sprays of foliage and fitted with grotesque mask cap, vacant escutcheon, and a pair of scrolling plaques on each side of the tang (the steel parts with some pitting, the mounts rubbed) 31.5cm; 12 3/8in