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Пара Пистолетов. ударный кремневый. Европа. 18 век. фото 10-01

A PAIR OF SOUTH GERMAN FLINTLOCK RIFLED LONG HOLSTER PISTOLS BY BARTHOLOMДUS DAISENBERGER, MUNCHEN, CIRCA 1750 with two-stage swamped barrels rifled with seven deep grooves, moulded girdles chiselled with a slender band of beadwork, fitted with brass fore-sights chiselled as eagle's heads and stamped with the gold-lined maker's mark (Neue St?ckel 7293), engraved breech tangs fitted with moulded back-sights and number '1' and '2' respectively, engraved locks decorated with rococo scrollwork, mounted hunters and signed 'Daisenperer' and 'Daisenperger' respectively behind the steel springs, rounded tails, the cocks and the steels engraved en suite, set triggers, figured walnut full stocks carved with rococo scrolls and foliage about the barrel tangs (expert repairs), 'bird's head' butts, engraved burnished steel mounts comprising solid side-plates decorated with rococo scrollwork carrying portrait medallions and enclosing an architectural scene, butt-caps and trigger-guards decorated en suite, engraved trigger-plates, a pair of engraved moulded ramrod-pipes, horn fore-end caps, German silver escutcheons engraved with the crowned owner's arms enclosed within a collar of a Chivalric order, and later horn-tipped wooden ramrod 47.5cm; 18 3/4in

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Альбом:yuvk / Пистолеты парные (более 40 см). Альбом 13.
Ключевые слова:18в. ; оружие
Размер файла:45 КБ
Добавлен:Нояб 01, 2011
Размеры:921 x 768 пикселей
Просмотрен:123 раз(а)
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